Why You Need a DUI Defence Lawyer for a DUI

Most people charged with impaired driving, Over 80, or another type of DUI offence have never been in trouble with the law before. For them, this is their first criminal offence. Quite frequently, they mistakenly assume that they should attempt to take care of the legal matter on their own.
Why Self-Representation is Risky
One reason they do this is because they simply want to get back to their normal routines, job, family life, and community standing as quickly and quietly as possible. They do not think of the potential consequences of pleading guilty to the offence will have.
The laws regarding the punishment for a first-time DUI offender include a mandatory fine of at least $1,000 or more. Not to mention a mandatory license suspension, impounded vehicle fees, increased auto insurance rates, driver educational course fees, interlock device fees, and others.
The Long-Term Impact of a DUI Conviction
Another reason some people attempt to handle their DUI offence on their own is they think that it is a minor offence, much like a traffic violation. However, unlike a speeding ticket, pleading guilty to a DUI is a criminal offence that will be recorded on your criminal record.
Having a DUI on your criminal record can have impacts on your current and future employment opportunities. Travel outside of Canada can become problematic as many countries, including the United States, can refuse entry for people with DUI offences on their criminal records.
The Complexity of DUI Laws and Defences
Most importantly, DUI laws and defences to DUI offences are complex. One must have the expertise to fully understand the current laws, the legal rights of the accused, and how to use the law and these rights to build a defence strategy.
Strategic Defences and Case Law
Furthermore, some strategic DUI defences are available due to case law. Case law is based on previous rulings in other cases that are a result of judicial decisions on a particular topic or issue that establish precedents.
The Importance of Professional Legal Representation
By retaining the services of a leading criminal lawyer, you gain access to the knowledge and expertise you need to prepare your defence for your DUI offence. Your criminal defence lawyer reviews the charges against you, police procedure in the matter, and other such aspects to help you obtain the best possible outcome.
Recognizing Procedural Mistakes
To illustrate, the police sometimes make mistakes that violate your legal rights, such as an illegal search and seizure or a failure to read you your rights. These procedural mistakes could potentially lead to a reduction in the charges or a dismissal entirely.
Without a DUI defence lawyer, you may have no idea that your rights were even violated. As evident, obtaining representation from a criminal defence lawyer can make a big difference in the outcome of your case.
Please keep in mind this is just an example to demonstrate the benefits of hiring a DUI defence lawyer. It should not construe actual legal advice and is for educational purposes only.
To find out potential strategic defences for your DUI offence for the best possible outcome, you will want to get advice from criminal defence lawyer.